Saturday, February 20, 2021

The New Normal

It's a walk through a road so appalling,

down a hushed street with your naught self,

there be a sense forsaken coercing,

you fight, make peace with your own strife.

To thrive and relish the beauty within,

to serve and feed the deific realty,

One should pull out his own sin,

So he would escapade something so godly.

Relinquish things in your soul which daunt,

engulf anger into thin air,

let commanding be your assert,

to have this world's fair share.


Wednesday, February 3, 2021


Ceasless without a modest clue,

Death is just a day's adieu,

Death is just a day's adieu...!!

Why these tantrums and foul play?

So you could end up on a good To'phet?

When god himself lives in a land of deray,

There's no longer a neeed for a feckless prophet..!!

As baffled, perplexed and bemused are you,

Death is just a day's adieu...!!

In repose you would look more mellow,

inside your dilapidated fortress....

You'd be hit with a menacing blow,

wrecked would be your age old slyness...!!

As calm, balmy and serene are you,

Death is just a day's adieu..

Death is just a day's adieu...!!!



To Be a Fool and Black

To be a fool and black, Is to be deceived by those you hold near, Misled by the words you’d longed to hear, To be duped for your skin, for y...